Cat Tooth Abscess: Causes, Signs, and Treatment Options

cat tooth abscess

Any tooth abscess is caused by bacteria colonizing the root of a tooth. The bacteria “eat” or disintegrate the tissues of and around the tooth, creating a cavity, which the body then floods with immune cells. The resultant fluid, called “pus,” is usually white or off-white and has a foul odor. The odor is by-product of the bacterial infection.

Why do cats develop tooth abscesses?

Cats are highly susceptible to tooth abscesses, especially around their canines, because they tend to investigate the world with their mouths. Regular chewing behaviors, especially on sharp, hard, or wooden objects or on electrical wires, can result in wounds that may become infected and abscess. Negligent oral hygiene may also give harmful bacteria the opportunity to colonize a cat’s mouth.

What are the symptoms of a cat tooth abscess?

Any signs of discomfort around the mouth or related to eating may be indicative that a cat has a tooth abscess. The obvious signs are a bloody or pus-filled wound visible in the mouth, but some symptoms might not be as apparent. These symptoms might include:

Pawing at the mouth

Excessive drooling

Refusal to eat or difficulty eating cat tooth abscess

Swelling of the mouth or face

Weight loss

Decreased grooming

Bad breath, or breath that is worse than normal

How is a cat tooth abscess treated?

Treatment of any abscess usually involves the draining and cleaning of the infected area. The abscess is usually lanced with a sterile instrument and drained of all pus, then thoroughly cleaned to remove any infectious bacteria. A root canal is a procedure by which the infected tissues around the tooth are removed and cleaned, but the tooth is left intact. If the tooth is too severely damaged to save, a veterinarian may decide to perform an extraction and remove the tooth entirely.

Regardless of how the infected tissue is removed, a course of antibiotics is usually prescribed to prevent further infection while the cat’s body heals.

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