A Comparison Between Human and Carnivore Teeth

carnivore teeth

When comparing human and carnivore teeth we have to not only compare the types of teeth that they have, but what are the uses of those teeth an why they exist.  A carnivore’s teeth are suited for hunting and eating meat, but what about  human’s? How similar are human teeth to carnivore teeth and what goal do our teeth accomplish? This dentist in Stanhope Gardens explains the difference of carnivore and human teeth and we sum them all up here.

Humans have 4 kinds of teeth. Incisors, canines. molars, and premolars. The incisors are the four front teeth on the top and bottom of our mouths. These teeth help us bite into our food. The canines are the sharp and pointy teeth on either side of our mouths. They are made to rip food into smaller pieces. Molars are the large teeth with flat surfaces that help us grind and chew food into smaller pieces. The premolars are the teeth that come right after the canines which also help us chew food. carnivore teeth

Although not all carnivores have the exact same teeth, they all share very similar traits. They do have some molars and incisors but they are sharper than ours. Their main feature is their canine teeth, which are much sharper than ours. Carnivores have to hunt, and subdue prey so these teeth are necessary for killing the prey and then eating them.

So humans and carnivores don’t necessarily have the same teeth, but they do share some similarities. Why is that?  Well, the different types of teeth indicate different diets. Sharper teeth which are made to cut and rip into things are for carnivores because they must hunt and eat meat. Flatter teeth made for grinding are usually for biting and chewing things like fruits and vegetables. Humans have both of those types of teeth. They have canines and they also have flat molars. This makes sense because humans are omnivores; meaning they eat food from both plant and animal origin.

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