Does Your Pet Need Cherry Eye Surgery?

happy dog and owner

Cherry eye occurs in dogs and sometimes in cats when a tear gland in their third eyelid gets inflamed. It would not cause extreme pain although it would look red and swollen. If you notice your pet having these symptoms,  it would be best to visit your veterinary right away to see if an eye surgery would be necessary.

The third eyelid is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the eyes by producing tears. Sometimes, the eyelid gland turns inside-out causing a cherry eye.


What Causes Cherry Eye

This condition would usually make an appearance on dogs under 2 years old. Based on research, the root cause of cherry eye is still unknown. Dogs who have cherry eye would normally inherit the condition due to their genetic predisposition.

On certain occasions, some owners claim that their dogs show cherry eye symptoms when their pets are excited or shocked.

Dog Breeds Most At-Risk Of Cherry Eye

Some of the dog breeds who usually exhibit signs and symptoms of the cherry eye are but not limited to the following:

  • English Bulldog
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
  • Lhasa Apsos
  • Shih Tzus
  • Pugs
  • Bloodhounds
  • White Terriers
  • Boston Terriers


Early Stages of Cherry Eye

Due to busy schedules, pet owners usually forget to check the physical state of their pets. It is necessary to do the physical examination at least once a week to check if their body is in shape, or if there are any unusual changes happening to them. Some dogs may show symptoms of disorders and disease while others would seem normal and healthy until it’s too late.

dog eye checkupA Cherry eye often starts with the red and swollen eyes of your pet. This may take place on one eye or both. Excessive tear production may also be a symptom as well as excessive squinting and dry eyes. Note that symptoms may vary from your dog’s condition and some may not show any signs and symptoms at all.

If you notice that your dog starts pawing at its eyes or rubbing their face on different surfaces, this may indicate that they are feeling uncomfortable. Veterinary attention should be sought right away.


Cherry Eye Treatment

For some instances, before resorting to eye surgery, people would first try to do home remedies. one of the common techniques is by gently massaging the affected eye to put the displaced gland back to its original position. Occasionally this remedy will work and the eyelid gland would start to heal and correct itself. A vet visit would still be recommended afterward just to make sure that the eyelid glands are in good condition.

However, most often cherry eye disorder would normally require eye surgery. The most recommended treatment procedure would be surgically replacing the third eyelid gland. The third eyelid gland also called a nictitating membrane is essential for dogs and cats because it generates at least 35 to 50% of the fluidic segment of the tear film. Without it, a dog’s eye will become dry which normally causes vision problems.

There are 2 types of surgery available for cherry eye treatments, the anchoring method, and the envelope or pocket method.

Anchoring Method

This procedure overthrew over time due to its several risks and because of the difficulty of the surgery itself. This method was replaced because it causes disruption on the normal fluid excretion. One of the major disadvantages of the anchoring method is limiting the movements of the third eyelid. Therefore, another method was introduced.

Envelope/pocket Method

The envelope method or also known as the pocket technique involves suturing the tissue around the prolapsed gland and covering it in a layer of conjunctiva for protection. Compared to the anchoring method, this technique is easier for doctors to learn and carry out.  This causes minimal to no complications or effects on tear production.

Home Remedies For Cherry Eye

If you live in a remote area and visiting a vet is not possible at the moment, you may try some home remedies to help in decreasing the risk of infection and more complications on your dog’s eye. A warm moist towel can be used to clean the affected area and calm your dog, you may also use a dog-safe eye drop and gently massage the affected eye. If your dog’s condition is not severe, this treatment may just do wonders in putting the prolapsed tear gland back to its original place. However this treatment will not guarantee that your dog’s cherry eye is gone for good, it is still best to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Recovering From Cherry Eye Surgery

There are several ways to help your dog from recovering from their treatment. Oftentimes, cherry eye surgeries are 100% successful. However, if the treated cherry eye only occurred on one eye, there is a higher chance that the other eye may also adapt to the same condition.

Full recovery from the treatment may last for up to 2 weeks. To help them stay comfortable for this period, make sure that your pet gets plenty of rest and that their Elizabethan collar stays input.

Also, prepare yourself for possible separate eye problems that may be caused by the cherry eye disorder. Recurrence of the condition is also possible and the same treatment may be required once again. If the dog experiences extreme pain or exhibits unusual eye appearance, examine them as soon as possible. You may always ask your vet for more information and prevention tips.


Untreated Cherry Eye

happy dog ownersCherry eye does not cause many complications, however, if left untreated, the prolapsed gland of the third eyelid may cause irritation and inflammation due to persistent exposure to dust and small particles in the air.

Leaving your dog’s cherry eye untreated might also cause dry eye. This condition could result in extreme pain in the eye, pigmentation, or worse, blindness.

Pets are known to be a part of the family and they sometimes serve as our happy pill. Service dogs, for example, play an important role in society as they help people who need extra care to be able to function well in their daily lives. Proper pet health care is just as important as human health care.


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