Dogs Breathing Heavily: Why Does This Happen?

dog breathing heavily

Dogs can breathe rapidly and pant, just like humans. The obvious explanation as to why a dog cannot breathe properly or would breathe heavily is, of course, strenuous physical activity. However, some pet owners may sometimes witness their dog breathing heavily for no apparent reason. The truth is, there are a few explanations for this. It may be normal for a dog to breathe in this manner, depending on its age, breed, and size.

Let’s go into more detail.

Physiological factors

Much like humans, dogs that are larger than average or old will exhibit labored breathing. If a dog has excess fat and rarely exercises, it’s no surprise that even a mild walk outside will tire the dog because of all the extra weight it has to carry around.

Likewise, as dogs get older, they will become weaker and as a result, they will breathe more heavily than they used to. Also, note that certain breeds, like French Bulldogs and Pugs, have very short snouts and flat faces. It’s normal for these dogs to have a harder time breathing than other breeds.

Psychological factors

dog breathing heavilyStress, fear, and anxiety are all feelings that dogs experience and their health can be negatively affected if these factors are not addressed. Heavy breathing is a symptom for many of these problems, so it’s crucial for the owner to identify what the source of all the stress is and help their pet to overcome fears.

Remember that some breeds are more prone to become fearful and stressed than others. Depending on the dog’s breed, a more gentle and supportive approach may be required.

Health issues

Lastly, a dog breathing heavily may be experiencing health problems. It could be a respiratory infection, problems with the dog’s heart or it might be pain caused by an injury or some form of illness. It’s wise to take a trip to the pet clinic to get an expert’s diagnosis.

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