Throat Cancer in Dogs

throat cancer in dogs

Dogs are man’s best friend. We’ve heard it constantly and deep down we know it’s true. We love our dogs. That’s why it can be so difficult to see our dogs go through pain. Throat cancer in dogs is a potentially deadly disease that all dog owners should be on the lookout for. Treatment for this type of condition can be quite expensive but you can check for available payment plans with your vet.

Here are a few warning signs that your dog might have throat cancer:

1. Your dog is having trouble breathing

2. Your dog is less active than they usually are

3. Your dog has lost a significant amount of weight

4. Your dog coughs regularly

5. Your dog’s barking volume changes throat cancer in dogs

If you suspect that your dog has throat cancer you should take your dog to the veterinarian immediately. Throat cancer in dogs can be treated in a variety of ways if it is caught in time. Usually, the main course of action, after the veterinarian has identified the throat cancer, is surgery to remove the tumor. As with animal surgeries, this can be risky. Your dog may not respond well to the anesthesia and there is a very real chance he might not make it through the surgery. There are some other options to treat throat cancer in dogs. These include using x-ray beams to kill the cancer and shrink the tumor without having to have open surgery. However, this option is still relatively rare and might not be available in all areas/vet’s offices.

If you think that your dog has throat cancer then you should act quickly. Take your dog to the veterinarian and get it looked at right away. As with any sickness or disease the quicker it can be identified the higher the likelihood of your dogs’ survival. Throat cancer in dogs is scary, but it can be treated and the only way to know for sure is to go the veterinarian and find out for sure.

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