Worm Medicine for Dogs

worm medicine for dogs

Worms are among the most common type of infectious parasites that affect dogs transmitted either via ingesting infected fecal matter from an infected animal, mosquito biting from infected animals or by eating fleas harboring worm eggs. There are different types of worms that infect dogs which include;

Hookworms: these are worms that attach themselves unto the intestinal wall of the dog from where they suck blood and nutrients and often lead to anemia and weight loss in dogs.

Roundworms: these worms infect the intestines and organs of the affected dog causing intestinal upset and weight loss by sucking nutrients.

Tapeworms: these find their way into the dog’s intestine by consuming birds, fleas or rodents with tapeworm eggs from where they develop and consume nutrients from the dog causing malnutrition.

Whipworms: these worms that reside in the large intestines of dogs characterized by a mucous-like stool containing blood and reduced appetite leading to weight loss.

Heartworms: these are worms that reside in the blood and heart of dogs transmitted into healthy dogs via biting from mosquitos carrying infected blood.

Worms in dogs if left untreated can cause various detrimental health effects as a result of malnutrition and even cause anemia. There are various formulations of worm medicine for dogs effective for their treatment that constitute tablets, chewable tablets, capsules, liquids, and granules. These include:


This is a type of medicine in the form of granules or liquids consumed orally and containing fenbendazole as an active ingredient that is effective in treating all the intestinal parasites. It acts by inhibiting the biochemical process involving the formation of worm cell microtubules. This medicine is available in a prescribed dosage by a veterinarian depending on its use.

worm medicine for dogsPraziquantel

This is a systemic medicine used to effectively treat tapeworms that occurs in tablet form consumed orally as prescribed by the veterinarian. It works by increasing calcium iron intake by worms which eventually leads to worm muscle paralysis and disintegration thus destroying the worms.


This is an oral medicine in the form of tablets used for the treatment of tapeworms in dogs in a dose prescribed by the veterinarian. It works by also causing paralysis to the tapeworm causing it to be easily digested by the host intestines thus eliminating them.


This is a worm medicine for dogs that occurs in the form of chewable tablets, capsules, and liquid that is consumed orally for treating intestinal parasites. It works also by causing paralysis to the worms which leads to their death.

worm medicine for dogsHowever, these medicines are associated with some side effects including vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions, loss of appetite and even bleeding.

In order to avoid worm infestation in dogs, it is recommended to deworm them regularly and ensure proper cleaning of the environment on where the dogs reside using a proper disinfectant which kills the worms.

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